About the Institution

This institution is a Brain child of Mrs. Padmavathy Sampath, this institution was founded in the year 2000, as a passionate Carnatic music & dance veteran, Mrs. Padmavathy has written lot of dance dramas and musical compositions.

Her passionate towards arts gave her an idea to promote the traditional art forms by spreading the awareness and importance of Indian arts and culture by this institution teaching to numerous students, thereby preserving this unique art forms.

Padmakshetra has conducted lot of trainings and cultural workshop all over the world. Currently it has few branches in India, Singapore, Sanfrancisco (California) and expanding its branches in other countries as well.

Vision and Mission:

The main objective Padmakshetra School of fine arts is to promote the importance of arts among young generation, there are lot of hidden treasure in Tamil literature and our culture wanted that to be explore and educate the young minds

Each and every individual is born with a unique talent, at our institution we identify and encourage them to shine in their individual interest. While inspiring self-confidence, discipline and respect of the performing arts.

We provide a solid technical foundation for the individual development. We appreciate that the heart of an artist is born into many different bodies and the love of any arts can take on many different styles. We will develop well-prepared artists, should they so choose to pursue the arts professionally or are college bound. Once a performing artist always a performer, art is something students can come back to during all stages of their life.

We will urge each student to strive daily for their personal best, as well as to support one another in fostering a sense of teamwork in the classroom.

Sadhakam: Practice Makes Perfect. If you continuously learn and practice you can reach any heights in performing Arts!!

Creative Head:

MRS Padmavathy Jagananthan

Mrs. Padmavathy Sampath, is an art enthusiastic, from her child hood she grown with the interest in arts, she started learning music from the age of 5. She has an composed many songs , she had a vision on staring a school to promote young talents, she has composed lyrics for few dance drama “Alwargal Vaibhavam”, Mudaliandan Vaibhavam”, “Ramanuja Vaibhavam”. She has produced a 10 hrs. of Audio about the 108 Divya Desa Alwar pasuram from 4000 divya prabandham.